All company structures are involved at different levels in the drug manufacturing process...
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Opening hours
Monday to Friday
09.00 - 12.00 h
13.00 - 16.00 h
15.01. from 12.00 until 17.01.2025, 16.00 closed
Public holidays
18. and 21.04.2025: closed all day
28.04.2025: closed from 12.00 noon
01. and 02.05.2025: closed all day
29. and 30.05.2025: closed all day
09.06.2025: closed all day
01.08.2025: closed all day
15.09.2025: closed from 12.00 noon
24.12.2025: closed from 12.00 noon
25.12.2025 up to and including 02.01.2026: closed all day
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