The portfolio of A. Menarini GmbH consists of medicinal products for primary patient care, i.e. products that are predominantly prescribed by general practitioners and the appropriate specialists.

Discover more about Menarini Group

All company structures are involved at different levels in the drug manufacturing process...

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Opening hours
Monday to Friday
09.00 - 12.00 h
13.00 - 16.00 h

15.01. from 12.00 until 17.01.2025, 16.00 closed

Public holidays

18. and 21.04.2025: closed all day

28.04.2025: closed from 12.00 noon

01. and 02.05.2025: closed all day

29. and 30.05.2025: closed all day

09.06.2025: closed all day

01.08.2025: closed all day

15.09.2025: closed from 12.00 noon

24.12.2025: closed from 12.00 noon

25.12.2025 up to and including 02.01.2026: closed all day

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